Thursday, September 2, 2010

July 31, 2010-Day 212

On our next day in the Big Island, we decided to go hiking and we were hoping to go swimming. I had heard that car break-ins are common on the Hilo side of the Big Island, so I decided to only bring my Powershot instead of my DSLR. It felt really weird to me not to have the DSLR, especially when we went to some really beautiful places, but it did make hiking easier. I can definitely see the difference when looking at the photos from this day, however. There were quite a few photos that I decided came out too poorly to post that I am sure would have looked good if I had the DSLR.

First we went to Rainbow Falls, but we didn't get to see any rainbows.

Rainbow Falls

Then we went hiking at the Boiling Pots where we had this view of Pe'e Pe'e Falls.

Pe'e Pe'e Falls